£500 cash in your bank


Competition ends: 28 September 2024 19:00
Timezone: Europe/London

This competition has a minimum of 1 tickets

This competition is limited to 820 tickets

Tickets sold: 205

This competition will have 1 winner

25% SOLD
£.99 Per Entry
50 Per Person
820 Tickets

Answer the question:

Who is the current King of England?

  • Charles III
  • Ray IV
  • Bob V
  • Mike VI

Click Here for Free Postal Entry

Prize Information

Competition Details

This Competition is open to all UK residents aged 18 and over.

For information about free postal entries to this competition please click here.

If entering our competitions either by post or online please ensure you have read and agree to our Terms & Conditions. If your entries do not comply with the terms they will not be included in the draw.